Thursday, January 7, 2016

Install and Configure CPUs

Install and Configure CPUs
In the previous topics, you installed RAM. Another way to increase the performance of a per- sonal computer is to install a second processor or upgrade the existing processor. In this topic, you will install and configure processors.
Have you ever tried to get a new piece of software or a game to run only to find out that your processor is too slow? If this happens to the users you support, they will want you to fix the problem, which might mean upgrading the CPU. This might seem like a drastic measure, and it can be expensive, but in some cases, it is less expensive to upgrade the CPU than it is to purchase a new system if everything else in a user’s computer provides acceptable performance.
CPU Chip Types
CPU chips are developed by several different manufacturers. 
CPU Manufacturer
AMD Cyrix
Sample CPUs
Intel CPUs include 8086, 8088, 80286, 80386SX, 80386DX, 80486SX, 80486DX, Pentium, Pentium MMX, Pentium Pro, Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium 4, Celeron, Xeon, Duo core, and Itanium, to name a few.
AMD CPUs include the K5, K6, Duron, Athlon, Opteron, and Althon 64 processors.
While no longer in business, Cyrix manufactured the MediaGX and M II processor, among others.
CPU Chip Types 

Instruction Sets
An instruction set is the collection of commands that is used by a CPU to perform calculations and other computing operations. Every manufacturer has its own instruction set.
There are three main categories of instruction sets used.
Instruction Sets
Instruction Set
Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC)
A design strategy for computer architectures that depends on hardware to perform complicated instructions.
Does not require instructions to be of a fixed length.
Allows for more complicated functions to be executed in one instruction. Most Intel processors fall into this category. 

Instruction Set
Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC)
Explicitly Parallel Instruc- tion Computing (EPIC)
A design strategy for computer architecture that depends on a combina- tion of hardware and software to perform complicated instructions. Requires instructions to be of a fixed length.
RISC instructions are simpler and fewer than CISC, but more instructions are required to carry out a single function.

IBM, Motorola, and Sun manufacture RISC chips.
IBM RS/6000, Sun Microsystems, and some Macintosh computers use RISC.

A design strategy for computer architecture that is meant to simplify and streamline CPU operation by taking advantage of advancements in com- piler technology and by combining the best of the CISC and RISC design strategies.
EPIC-based processors are 64-bit chips.
Intel IA-64 architecture, including Intel Itanium processors, is based on EPIC.

Cache Memory 
Cache memory, or CPU cache, is a type of memory that services the CPU. It is faster than main memory and allows the CPU to execute instructions and read and write data at a higher speed. Instructions and data are transferred from main memory to the cache in blocks to enhance performance. Cache memory is typically static RAM (SRAM) and is identified by level. Level 1 (L1) cache is built into the CPU chip. Level 2 cache (L2) feeds the L1 cache. L2 can be built into the CPU chip, reside on a separate chip, or be a separate bank of chips on the system board. If L2 is built into the CPU, then level 3 cache (L3) can be present on the system board.

Cache Write Policy
The cache’s write policy determines how it handles writes to memory locations that are cur- rently being held in cache. There are two policy types.
Cache Policy Type
Write-back cache
Write-through cache
When the system writes to a memory location that is held in cache, it writes only the new information to the appropriate cache line. When the cache line is needed for another memory address, the changed data is written back into system memory. This type of cache provides better performance than a write-through cache, because it saves write cycles to memory.
When the system writes to a memory location that is held in cache, it writes the new information simultaneously to the appropriate cache line and to the memory location. This type of caching pro- vides lower performance than write-back, but it is easier to implement and has the advantage of internal consistency, because the cache and memory are identical at all times. 

CPU Operational Characteristics
There are many different characteristics and technologies that can affect a CPU’s performance.
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CPU Operational Characteristics
CPU Characteristic or Technology
Bus width Clock speed
CPU speed
Dual core
Voltage Regulator Module Multimedia Extensions
A CPU’s internal bus width is either 32 or 64 bits.
The number of processing cycles that a microprocessor can perform in a given second. Some CPUs require several cycles to assemble and perform a single instruction, whereas others require fewer cycles. The clock speed is a technical rating; actual performance speeds can vary from the published clock speed rating.
Configuring your system board to run at a speed greater than your CPU is rated to handle. Doing so can cause the CPU to overheat, produce random results, or be damaged or destroyed.
CPU speed is an umbrella term for the overall rate at which instructions are processed. There are two factors that affect the CPU speed. One is the core clock speed, which is the internal speed at which instructions are processed within the CPU. The other is the bus clock speed, which is the speed at which instructions are transferred to the system board.
To adjust CPU speed. A CPU throttle is typically used to slow down the machine during idle times to conserve battery or to keep the system running at a lower performance level when hardware problems have been encountered.
A feature of certain Pentium 4 chips that makes one physical CPU appear as two logical CPUs. It uses additional registers to overlap two instruction streams to increase the CPU’s performance by about 30%.
A single chip that contains two distinct CPUs that process simultaneously. The first dual core chips for x86-based PCs and servers were introduced in 2005.
Dedicated high-speed memory for storing recently used instructions and data.
VRM is a replaceable module used to regulate the voltage fed to the CPU.
MMX is a set of additional instructions, called microcode, to support sound, video, and graphics multimedia functions.
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Processor Specifications
The following table summarizes some of the specifications for popular processors.

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